When a tooth is seriously decayed or damaged, a filling may not be enough to successfully restore the tooth’s strength and health. In these cases, our dentist may recommend a dental restoration called a crown. A crown, sometimes referred to as a cap, is designed to entirely cover the damaged tooth starting at the gum line. This restores the tooth to its optimal size, strength, and shape. With a custom-made dental crown in Birmingham, AL, we can restore your smile’s beauty, health, and function. Crowns are very versatile and can serve a number of restorative and cosmetic purposes. Dr. Toups may recommend a dental crown to:

  • Cover and complete a dental implant
  • Anchor and attach a dental bridge
  • Strengthen a fractured or otherwise weakened tooth
  • Enhance smile by covering stained tooth
  • Protect a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment
  • Improve the functionality and appearance of a misshapen tooth
  • Support a large filling if little tooth structure is left

Your crown will be custom made to comfortably fit your smile. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials; our patients often choose porcelain crowns for their aesthetic appearance. We welcome you to call or visit us today at Toups Family Dentistry to find out how a crown can enhance your smile.

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